How nature can inspire modern life

Do you ever feel pressure to continue moving forward? To constantly improve and progress in all areas of life? Do you stress that you’re not ‘getting where you’re going’ quickly enough?

I mean, you may even be wondering why I’m asking, since ‘that’s just how life is’.

But what if there was another way?

What if instead of feeling a pressure at your back to move forward, a nipping at your heels to keep going, you could lean into the parts of life that are slowing down and actually accept or, even, embrace them?

What if slowing and resting felt less like resistance and more like softness and fluidity, and a quiet knowing that things will pick up again?

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about nature and how we can draw on it for inspiration in our lives.

We are, after all, made of nature. We may think we’re separate, but there’s no escape from the fact that we have evolved from the same basic stuff as animals, plants and minerals. We are (highly evolved) animals.

And so instead of an expectation of constant forward momentum and endless progress/ acceleration, how would it feel to embrace that life is a series of seasons?


autumn is a slowing down,

winter represents rest and reflection,

spring is an unfurling and a growing energy and

summer is all about full bloom and high energy.

What might be possible, if you stepped off the treadmill and gave yourself permission to rest, or slow down or even to re-learn lessons you thought were already put to bed?

Let that land for a moment.

I invite you to take a breath as you read this, and wonder what it might feel like, to give yourself permission to be in a space other than one of constant growth.

Think of a situation where you feel pressure to move forward, and consider whether you might be in a season other than summer.

And then consider whether you can allow that to be ok.

The first thing that comes to mind for me is my coaching work. I want to be in summer. I want to be in full bloom, accepting clients at full capacity, supporting my audience with full focus, completely filled up with this mission and energy! But I’m not there yet and if I pause to consider that this is my spring time, when I’m building and growing and creating momentum, starting to bring things to life, it feels less intense. My shoulders relax and my breath softens and deepens.

And I can rest into the wisdom of nature,

that the seasons come and go, and that things will change.

This season will evolve.

My season will evolve.

There’s comfort and quiet confidence in that.

So what about you? Where could you apply Mother Nature’s wisdom and realise that your season will move forward, one way or another?

If you’re curious about other ways of living from a nature-inspired place, and re-learning how it feels to live with deep alignment to your true nature, you may like to get on the wait list for my upcoming program, Back to Nature. It will be a journey from busy-ness and constant doing for the sake of goals you’re not even sure you want, to quiet alignment and calm confidence in yourself, awareness, aliveness and pleasure.

You’ll learn how to embrace the imperfections of life and reach new levels of self-love, while creating your beautiful future. Wait list members will be the first to hear when the gates swing open. Learn more and grab your spot here xx


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