Feel good about your goals

Do you set goals and new year’s resolutions?

How do they make you feel?

I love New Year’s. I love the magic of this time of year, and I find the opportunity to make a fresh start simply ravishing.

And yet.

After years of setting resolutions that ended up feeling like shackles or failures, I stopped setting hard and fast milestones. Instead I set my focus on a softer approach, thinking more about how I wanted to feel, and what my bigger life vision was - and how this next year (or season) would draw me closer to that vision.

I have found this way of intention-setting so much deeper, more aligned and fulfilling. And more sustainable.

I’ve recorded this guided Embodied Intention Setting Session for you to get clearer on how your dream life looks, and what you can focus on to bring it closer. It will set you up for the next year, or whatever season you’re entering.

It comes with a bonus Goal Setting Guide if you want to get more specific - but that part is up to you. As always, do what feels right to you.

Embodied Intention Setting

Your guided audio awaits. You’ll also hear from me about once a week with tips on living a more embodied life.

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Sunlight in the forest
A path through the woods