Are you curious to explore what it means to be more sensitive to your body’s wise messages, and rely less on your over-analytical mind?
Would you like to honour your heart, listen intently to her messages, and see what desires bubble up from your truth?
Are you ready to explore what it is you truly want from this one wild, precious life?
How would it feel to invite more pleasure and magnetism into your life?
I’d love to support you on this beautiful adventure.
1:1 Coaching
Get a personalised plan and 1-1 sessions to re-sensitise to your body’s messages and move towards your desires.
Weekly / fortnightly Sessions
If you’re tired of the treadmill of life, the pressure of comparing yourself to others and you’re longing for space to explore your desires, 1-1 sessions are a beautiful support to find and express your deepest truth.
When you put these into your calendar, you’re creating space for yourself, investing in yourself, and honouring your beautiful self.
Show up just as you are, and behold the magic that ensues.
Learn what you can expect in a session or complete a confidential questionnaire, then grab a free exploration call by clicking below.
Free initial consultation +
price per session:
$77 / session x1
$66 / session x3 or more
$555 / 9 sessions over 3 months
All options include:
pre-session recording to begin sensitising to the process
follow-up notes emailed with key insights from your session
back to nature program
Journey over 12 weeks to reconnect with your true essence and tap into the power of nature for a more grounded, calm and centred life.
immersive program
Rediscover your true self, your deepest wisdom and your quiet power through connecting with your body and with nature.
Explore how to sensitise to your body’s inner whispering, play with discomfort (because when you’re grounded when facing discomfort, freedom is yours), and bring more pleasure and power into your everyday life. Learn about your body’s primal relationship with nature, and how to bring more nature into your modern life.
Reconnect with Mother Nature - and your nature - and watch the magic unfold.
12 week 1-1 program
Kim Geisen
“ I have felt securely held and supported, and have left with great action steps to move forward in flow. I would highly recommend working with nadee as a coach!”
Cosima Kern