On being imperfect

I want to start at the end: it’s ok to be messy. In fact, when you’re out there living, experimenting and having a human life, it’s pretty bloody inevitable.

Where we trip ourselves up is believing we’re not as ‘good’ as we should be.

Not as put-together as we should be.

Not as organised.

Not as evolved.

Not as acceptable.

Not as <insert whatever quality you think you should be more of> as we should be.

We pick up these expectations somewhere along the line. Maybe we learned from our parents that we need to be better at something. Maybe it was at school, or from friends, from church, work… or any number of possible places.

Somewhere, we internalised this belief that we need to be better. That it’s not ok to be messy, much less to fail.

My brain (bless it) is the worst. I start a project with the best intentions, only to find myself trying to perfect it before releasing it to the world. And while I try to perfect it? The world misses out on my gifts.

I’m in a program at the moment that’s helping me define my personal brand. It’s incredible, the coach is amazing and the other women are so supportive. And yet. I’ve been tossing around my ‘mission statement’ for over a week now, trying to perfect it.

No more!

(In fact, my studies and work with Feminine Embodiment Coaching have taught me the immeasurable value of stepping deeper into the dark, the mess, the chaos than I would previously have been comfortable doing).

So here, my friend, is your permission to get messy. EMBRACE your messiness, your imperfections, your efforts! Even if Simply because they’re not yet fully baked. Celebrate! The fact that you’re here on earth, giving it a bleeping go.

And here, in the spirit of embracing “good enoughness”, is my mission statement. For now.

My mission is to inspire women to embrace their messy, imperfect selves as they continue to evolve and burn brighter, so they can live this one wild precious life with intention and joy! I believe in choosing how we live, breathing life into our own path instead of following what's expected, and questioning what we've been sold. I help women with self-doubt learn to trust themselves again, and remember the gifts they’ve forgotten. Mother Nature and her quiet power inspires me endlessly, to bring women back into connection with their deepest essence.


On making every day special