My life’s messy. How about yours?

Join me for a walk on the beach while I riff on the messiness of life, through one simple example of trying to record a podcast episode for you!

The thing is, life will always throw mess at us, in some form or other. Sometimes it’s simple and relatively painless (as in today’s example). Other times, it’s more complex, uncomfortable or positively painful. The invitation is this:

How can you find the hidden magic in your mess?

Thank you so much for listening. May this be permission (if you feel you need it) for things to be messy once in a while.

If you’re interested in some body-based, nature-centric coaching, you’re in the right place. You can learn more and take the next step over here.

Have a magical day x

To listen, click here for Apple Podcasts, here for Spotify, or search “Messy Magic” in your favourite podcast player!


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