You’re 8 minutes away from more potent expression
Click here to listen to your guided audio
On the next page (a Google Drive file) you may find you need to tap the Download button.
Before you begin, find yourself a comfortable, quiet space where you can close your eyes for about 8 minutes.
Grab a notebook and a pen to have beside you - afterwards, you’ll want to write down what came up for you during the visualisation. The audio is a guided visualisation to connect you with the subject about which you’re creating… for example your offer, program, content or whatever you are bringing to life.
During the visualisation you will connect with your subject and invite it to share some wisdom with you.
You’ll receive the audio link via email for future reference.
You will also receive emails from me around once a week, with tips and practices for connecting with your inner wisdom, feminine leadership inspiration, and an oracle card reading, as well as the latest from the podcast and the blog, personal updates to support you and life’s mess - celebrated.
You are so welcome - all parts of you.
If you’d like to explore how to work with me, you can do that here. :)