Beyond the scroll:

A masterclass to reclaim your time and attention from your phone

Friday November 8, 11am-12pm, AEDT (Sydney time) on Zoom | Recording will be available

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Access the masterclass and also receive The Messy Times (my semi-regular newsletter)

Do you have a love-hate relationship with your phone?

You might be acutely aware that you spend too much time on your phone… and feel guilty about it.

Maybe you know that overusing your phone can lead to things like reduced attention span, reduced memory, and depression.

Perhaps you’re one of the many people for whom a quick phone-related task leads to a quick check of email or social media feeds, and before you know it you’ve been sucked into an endless scroll, only to come up for air and realise how much time has passed.

(Been there. Been all of there ☝️)

Our phones are deeply useful. But they’re also addictive. You might scroll out of habit, or boredom. They can steal hours of your day, until you wind up wondering what you actually achieved.

It doesn’t have to be this way ;)

Experience the freedom of stepping away from your phone

…it sounds melodramatic, but you know you can relate ;)

Increase your level of focus (so you can empty the entire dishwasher without checking Facebook or Instagram or responding to that email immediately).

Reclaim time in your day by adding those minutes together and spending them doing something you enjoy, like reading a book for 30 minutes, or baking, or emptying that cluttered drawer!

Enjoy the empowerment of only picking up your phone when you want to initiate something (rather than consume something).

Every human’s journey is unique.

Recalibrating your relationship with your phone can reveal beautiful new avenues of awareness… and stunning new experiences of life.

Register below!

Master your phone without having to get rid of it

There are lots of things you can do to take back your time and attention – without having to give up your phone.

In fact, your phone can support your vision for your life.

In this 60 minute class, you’ll learn some ways to recalibrate your phone’s role, such as:

  • how to turn your phone into a tool to support your vision for your life (rather than a blocker)

  • the 3-part question that will change how you use your phone, and

  • how to eliminate unnecessary distractions

You’ll also receive a bonus wallpaper for your phone, to help you remember your intentions, every time you pick it up.

Would you spend 60 minutes to begin to reclaim your precious time and attention?

You can register below…

Register here

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To your one, wild, precious life!