What if you could slow down to deeply enjoy the end of the year, and move with grace and power into the new year?

the end of the year can feel frazzled… Busy... Stressful.

… yet what many of us crave is more connection... Joy... Love.

… and a chance to deeply enjoy the magic that this time of year can create.

If you find yourself dreading the holiday season (or know that you tend to overstretch yourself at this time of year) I’d love to invite you to imagine for a moment.

…Imagine the calm that comes with the ability to say Yes to what matters to you, and No to what drains you.

…Imagine spending time with your loved ones in true connection, with full-body presence.

…Imagine feeling like you’ve got the grace to handle any discomfort thrown at you this holiday season.

…Imagine knowing that no matter what you may experience, you know how to return to love (self-love).

…Imagine easing into the new year knowing exactly what you desire to create, with a powerful pocketful of self-knowledge to guide you.

…And imagine having a toolkit to dip into, when you need a little extra support.

What would it mean to you to feel grounded as you move through the end of the year?

What would it mean to you to have powerful intentions as you begin the new year?

Effortless end of year

  • Deeply know your values

    …and how to live them.

    What if instead of pushing away your feelings and desires, you made space for them, observed and listened?

    Spoiler alert: this is where the magic is. When you make way for your truth, you are empowered to live in alignment with it.

    A cushion and fairy lights.
  • Create your magical year

    …with powerful intentions.

    When New Year’s arrives, know how to tap into your deepest desires so you can create intentions for a magical year.

    Learn how to recalibrate as the year unfolds, so your life is continually evolving with you in the driver’s seat.

    Coffee and writing

What’s included?

Effortless End of Year is a 2 month, 1-1 coaching program focused on supporting you via 1-1 virtual sessions across December and January, plus tools and resources at your fingertips. We start w/c November 27.

1-1 coaching

Weekly 1-1 sessions throughout December and January to support you to tap into your deepest truth and desires. There are 8 sessions in total.

Journaling prompts

Prepare for your best year yet with some powerful inner work.

bite-sized meditation

If you feel frazzled over the holidays, grab this bite-sized recording, pop in your ear buds and nourish your inner world. Emerge refreshed.

text support

Connect with me when you need that little extra boost.

embodiment recording

Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up. Commit to spending time with your inner world so you can honour what’s deeply important to you.

Get organised

Planner and templates to help you cruise through the season in your organised bubble.

2 months - 1-1 coaching

Enrolment currently closed

Find out more about my other coaching offers including 1-1 coaching.

Enrolment is currently closed for 2023/ 24.

you may be interested to find out more about 1-1 coaching and how it can support you.

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